Part-time online teaching jobs with TLC LIVE Online Tutoring – work from home
TLC LIVE is currently looking for fully-qualified teachers from across the UK to deliver online lessons in English, maths, science, humanities and EAL at Key Stages 1-4 into schools and the private market. The salary is £18 per tutoring session, competitive with other online part-time teaching jobs.
Working as an online tutor enables you to focus on the reason you became a teacher: helping students. Part-time online teaching jobs with TLC LIVE are a great option for teachers who want to work from home while making a real difference to their students’ understanding and attainment.
TLC LIVE provides all tutors with the content and reporting features they need, so you won’t need to worry about getting tied up in red tape, classroom management and endless reports – you just teach. Working with TLC LIVE also lets you set your own schedule, since you can choose what times of day and which days of the week work for you.